alone alone…

They say we’re all in this together, which is funny, because she never felt so alone. Except when she was completely alone, healing in the water.


The house still stands, now empty, longing to be filled. Like our hearts once full now waiting, for something almost as good as we had it back then.

the lesser of two…

She’d rather have her someone know he is loved, and not care, than have her someone care, but never know he was loved.  

Rah honesty…

The only disappointment that could ever be, is my life without you, or your life without me.


She didn’t know what she would do when her fingers found his. Perhaps, she thought, she would never let go.  

always too much…

She had a lot of fears when it came to him, but mostly how much she cared.  

join in…

The chaos… How she longed for him to be a part of it…

confidence, hoped for…

She thought she could be the answer to his prayers, because she knew he was the answer to hers.